Sunday, 16 February 2014

Informal Crit Session to Begin 2014, [06/01/14]

[Originally Posted on Weblearn by  ADAM WALLACE  at Tuesday, 4 February 2014 10:40:11 o'clock GMT]

Returning from the Christmas break to the studio was welcome after the holiday period, and I cam back determined to move up a gear, both in terms of work produced, and creatively. Mel had emailed us to let us know about the intended "Think Tank" seminar sessions we would be holding in the mornings, where some people would present on a specific theme, and through their talk, set up grounds for an interesting discussion amongst ourseleves on the chosen theme.
Unfortunately it seemed that miscommunication & other factors meant that the majority of people scheduled to present at the first session were unavailable, so it was decided that the session would be reschedulded for later in the week, and an impromtu crit session was held among the remainder of the studio group.
The session was enjoayable & informative, with my contemporaries explaining their work, process & pieces. I talked about how I combine collage with figurative painting, to create comment on personal identity; by distorting the body into an amorphous fleshy mass, I try to mediate the effects of our consumer society upon the individual, and produce work which reflects the alienation and isolation which so many of us feel in todays globalised, corporate controlled world.

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